Ambitious slow lane swimmer blog is a writing exercise aspires to bubble away the underwater memories and gesture surrounded by this very melancholic blue.

Fragmented Notes on Physical Philosophy

Fragmented Notes on Physical Philosophy


Physical literacy that will serve us for life.



Body Cognition

Camus - who was an existentialist and a goalkeeper, who was also interested in the relationship between physical and intellectual life, and the virtues that they might share.

I am rather captivated by the idea of you create yourself as you interact with the world.

We are a conglomerate by our experiences and any aspect of our human nature which enables us is very critical. It is the food of being who we are.

One of the key things that the ways to interact is through our bodily movement.

It’s about perception, phenomenon.

Learning about the world and oneself, and the way these experiences that you relate to the world. You take them with you wherever you go.

And you see the world through that reflection.

Learn helplessness, hold that tacit vision, that tacit wisdom, and physical attention.

Writers & Swimmers

Writers & Swimmers

Not Sinking

Not Sinking